Horshack & Ole Ball Coach not in pax list.1st post FNG Rick Razor? Come back for your 2nd post to earn your F3 nickname. YHC arrived the AO and wondering where is everybody. Is this the wrong AO? Right after I send Holiday a text message to find out the AO, his SUV pulled in. Warm O rama: As I recallMosey to DUMC parking lot, pax already said ” We need to warm up first and do some stretching” YHC ” Don’t worry ya’ll get warm up when we get there”SSH x20, Windmill x10, Fast High Knees then YHC yelled drop! Repeato 3x. Gotta love that. Breathe Duvall.Mountain Climber x15, Girl Fight forward/reverse 20 each, IST x15The Thang:Grab a sandbags, place them in front of you while in plank position 2 merkins drag your sandbags, 4 merkins drag your sandbags, you get the picturesWe went all the way to 10 merkins. Duck Walk with SandbagDrop the sandbags Pax did form two lines (Indian Run Style)Lunge walk, last pax ran to the front Carolina Dry Dock, last pax Bear Crawl to the frontMosey to front of churchPartner upP1 decline plank on the wallP2 Bunny Hop upstairs Flap Jack, repeato 2xP1 10x Australian Mountain Climber, Bear Crawl 5ft, Crawl Bear back to the wallP2 Dip AMRAPFlap Jack, repeato 3xMosey back to sandbagsShoulder Press x10, Broad Jump Burpee to parking lot sign, approximately 40-50 ftRun back to sandbags Skull Crusher x15, Crab walk with Sandbag P1 hold Plank Position P2 Two sandbags farmers carry around parking lot signFlap Jack, repeato 2xReturn all sandbagsMosey back to AO. YHC decided to stop at CVS building for 10x Monkey Humpers Mosey againMary:Titan – 10x Eiffel Tower, 20x Low flutter Holiday – x15 Peter ParkerTater – Some kind of leg up for lower absKnuckledragger- x10 Elbow Plank ExplosionDuvall – 20x LBCTitan – 10 each Jane FondaBijoux – 10 OYO Burpee Moleskine:As I arrived the AO 515am I noticed a group of 6-7 already warming up. Am I late? I thought workout starts at 530am. I immediately text Holiday and right after I send the message his SUV pulled in. He told me there are two workout options 515am and 530am. So when pax start coming in for 530am I introduced myself and I tell you what, it’s not easy to remember 18 names. Its 530am so YHC announced I’m the Mystery Q. ofcourse Duvall was shocked. I’m not sure if he’s going to revoke my temporary Visa or call CBP.Thank ya’ll for coming out. I hope you enjoyed the beatdown. Great work by all.Big Thank you to Holiday for allowing to Q. our original plan was to Guest Q and I said how about a little suspense, Mystery Q. Duvall thank you for this great AO, awesome crew and Thank you for taken us out on prayer.