No Volunteers for the Torture Chamber

Event Date

Feb 18, 2022


9 studs met at Birkdale for #Emmaus.  It was in the low 60's for an unseasonably warm AM in February.  Wow this text is tiny. 


Warm up – SSH, Long Snappers, IST, Rocky Balboas 


Deck 1 

Triple Jump Burpee up ramp

20 merkins at top of ramp

20 single count flutters at bottom by the Theater 

15 Donkey kicks OYO 


Deck Round 2 

Bear crawl up ramp

20 merkins 

20 LBCs back at the theater 


Deck Round 3 

Partner Wheel barrow 

Partner hops burpee x 5 each man 

At top of ramp

Partner derkins x 10 at bottom back at the theater 



Round 1:  300 SSH while partner does 150 yard run, flapjack 

Mosey to Deck

Round 2:  100 curb derkins while we did backwards run up the ramp

1 burpee at the top 



3 rounds with 1 burpee at the top



Wall Sit – Heel touches, Air Presses, Dicks 2 Bricks 


Hot lap around Theater 

Sprint back to Starbucks




1.  YHC arrived with Jimmy O and Stray in the parking deck.  Good to see a couple of OG's.  Respect Jimmy O. 

2.  FNG-1 is "Prison Break."  Apparently he Googled us.  Yes, Google.  Good work BlackBeard on SEO.  Anyway, PB is from the Pittsburgh area.  His first workout was Night Ranger and he's been going strong for 2 weeks. Hope you enjoyed the beatdown. 

3.  Toby was my partner after a lot of debate.  Good to see you and thanks for partnering up. 

4.  Camelback at one point had 3 choices on the next exercise (easy, medium, hard).  He chose "Hard" and that activated curb derkins x 100.  I may have seen him smile or smurk – I love the sadism and self-infliction of pain which makes me stronger. 

5.  Kosar was flying today.  Eat your Wheaties? Dang.  Amazing. 

6.  Nacho Libre was in the front as well and crushed it.  

7. NO VOLUNTEERS FOR THE TORTURE CHAMBER.  Ok, After Camelback amped it up a bit, I thought I could lock these PAX up, and sentence them to the torture chamber.  But, no volunteers.  I suggested we do reverse spiderman crawls backwards up the steps.  And I made the mistake by demonstrating.  Yep, no one budged an inch.  Scrap had to scrap this one.  Maybe the #FKT Pax are feeling more sadistic.  

8.   Meanwhile. Crocs was being crocs.  I think I heard him peririoning for pidgeon and hot yoga a few times.  And yes, croc'd on most exercises.  And he croc'd at us.  We couldn't even croc back.  

Love your energy Crocs and #mumblechatter.  Crocs said, "This is not an Emmaus type of workout."  

Sorry, not sorry Croc-a- relli. 


Crocs is already an HC for Q v. Q.  Bolo for a preblast coming soon.  



