No Wall Too Big

Event Date

May 09, 2018

Warm up

Arriving a minute or 2 late apparently the PAX did every warm up exercise that existed in the history of ever.  

Right over Left / Left over Right

10 x Cotton Pickers IC

20 x Monkey humpers

20 x IST IC

10 x Knerkin IC (knuckle merkins)

The Thang

Mosey to block hill via the very long route around the school #RunnersWelcome

Grab a block and line up

20 IC x Flutter Kicks with block press #NotWastingTime

Bear crawl uphill with block drag

Hold block overhead until everyone is up top then for 20 x 4 count IC

Complete each round followed by sprint to wall climb. Pick up block and hold for the 6

Round #1 – 15 IC x skull crushers IC

Station #2 – 15 IC x KB squats IC

Station #3 – 15 IC x KB swings OYO

Station #4 – 15 IC x Left arm curl IC

Station #6 – 15 IC x block overhead calf raises IC #WaitWeMissedRightARM

Station #5 – 15 IC x Right arm curl IC

Station #7 – 15 IC x burpees

Station #8 – Block plank break while Clark knocks out his owed 5 burpees to LKN #JeevesOwesYou

Station #9 – 15 IC x block Trifecta

Station #10 – 15 OYO x cinderblock jumps

And we’ve hit time return blocks and back to launch pad


25 x LBCs IC

20 x WWI OYO



Psalms 18:29

In Your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall

There is power in being a believer to conquer what life may challenge us with, regardless how big that wall may be.


  • T-Claps to stitches increasing the difficulty of the wall climb

  • Was expecting 2 slackers to post this morning. Heal up colonel mustards 2.0 and hefty needs a wake-up call

  • Ran late due to repaving traffic on old 16

  • Mater has accepted the call to VQ on the 23rd

  • Puddle represents SVU

  • Scope is fast in the corners