37 men woke up this fine monday morning and decided to begin their journey toward greatness.  Some finished it, some have a ways to go.  Here is their story:

0445: Stray, 9Lives, Fenway and Lex Luthor put in some extra work because, why not.

0515: Quick instructions, mild incognating by Professor & Mr. Burns (D. Angit) and we are off.

Run from Blythe across 115 to the stop light, then continue down the hill and back up to the stop sign.  Run back to the stop light.

Repeato until 0610.

Not sure who put in the most laps/miles but impressive performances by all.

Bright White Moleskin aka Fun things I heard:

"Jolly this sucks, I hate you"

"Go Paul"

"I see the light"

"Jolly put your arms down"

"This sucks"

"Don't look at me"

"Jolly stop clinching"


"Bago, stay in front"

"Turnpike, WTH?"

"Smokey has become quite the runner" (Uh yeah)

"Rucking has helped my Running"

"Rucking has killed my running"

"Happy Birthday Burner!"

Men, this is a baseline for everybody to look at a month or two or three from now and be proud of how much faster we are.  I'm looking forward to seeing the 8 or 9 Isotope BRR teams at the top of the leader boards this year as we have we have more speed than ever before and it is spread out well across the teams.  Test your training again on July 11th, August 8th & August 29th as we return to the NoCo Bonesaw.  Lastly, if you know some runners that don't do F3 because of the partner carrying, fence jumping, pond wadeing, etc… now is your chance to put the EH on for some runs (and we will get them to do Go Ruck eventually).  Thankful for you guys and as always Black Eyed Pea for introducing me to F3.  Now make sure you share this gift with somebody new, there is a man praying for it right now!
