Noddle on This

Event Date

Jul 14, 2018

10 of Denver's finest PAX came out to ELHS – Mustang to work their bodies, minds, and learn how to noodle. Only seven began with the warm-up, as Spork and Fabio were still completing their standard. Q mentioned an Omaha in order to begin a search and possible rescue. 

Disclaimer and we were ready to roll

Warm up

  • 20 SSH IC
  • Right over Left legs
  • Left over Right
  • Different arm stretches
  • Merkins
  • Different arm stretches
  • Merkins
  • Low Plank – as Spork and Fabio return and decide to head to their vehicles for a towel off and water (I guess). So we will all wait on them until they are ready. 
  • Continue low plank as the aforementioned PAX arrive in typical SVU time, and stand in the middle of the struggling PAX, and complete 20 IC SSH, I question their ability to count to 20 IC. Was Jeeves here?
  • Mosey to benches in front of school

PAX formally known as Marshmallow appears 15 min in, but we will take it. Renamed Buggilo today

The Thang

  • 10 incline merkins IC
  • 10 decline planks w alternating arm raises
  • mosey to pull up bar
  • Pull-ups AMRAP
  • If, greater than 10 go over there. If, less than 10 go over there
    • Those with more complete 10 arm release merkins
    • Those with less, take a break. However they too completed. Strong!
  • Head to marked off part of field
  • Cones set at 10 yards
  • all PAX merkin inch-worm 10yds turn and repeat
  • Partner up and PAX 1 holds leg of other PAX. Wheelbarrow 10 yds, after two walks of the left hand complete a merkin. Turn and head back
    • Flapjack
  • Head to down-under bar and keep partner to complete partner down unders 10. PAX 1 holds legs of the other while body pull-ups completed.
    • Flapjack
  • All PAX complete 5 double merkin burpees
  • 10 min game of two-hand touch football on 50yd marked off field
    • This was suppose to be bear v. crab soccer however YHC soccer ball exploded while pumping up today. 
  • Mosey to concrete wall behind school
  • Noodling time
    • Noodling is sticking your hand, arm, leg into deep dark places within bodies of water in search of a fish swallowing part of your limb. Catfish is the sought after target. However, at ELHS the only body of water we had today was our own sweat.
    • PAX goes into a mid height plank against the wall and IC take one hand off and attempt to touch the base of the wall. Complete 10 IC
  • Only way around the wall is for all 10 PAX to get over. But we aren't jumping over the low part. We shall all help each other scale the 10' part. #TeamWork
  • Mosey around school to brick wall
  • 10 IC dips
  • Mosey back to football field


  • Lots of ab work, led off by 10 IC Dr. W. 


Exodus 35:35 He has filled them with the skill to do every sort of work…

This came from a recent discussion I had w others at work about "does too much harmony kill creativity" YHC built three theories and will conduct research into the topic; however, thought it fit in well with some recent Slack convos. Personally, YHC fills that when we all agree and there is not debate, arguments, and conflict things get old and creativity is obstructed. On and on and on. 


  • The highlight of the morning. Sonar earned even more respect (if that's possible) by diving for a touchdown and taking a 5 yard flight, followed by a roll during landing. You'll fill that one instantly, and tomorrow. Not sure he knew his name while we were leaving the AO following the workout. 
  • Abrams crushed the Fingers section of Triolgy during his Standard. Pull a 6:05 mile on a hilly portion of the hood that resembles a hand. Spork is determined to break the 6:00 mark and has mentioned a two week prep period. 
  • Great to see the new faces again. 
  • Missed the crab v. bear soccer, always a crowd pleaser.
  • Sound off in comments, if you'd like. 
