
Event Date

Jul 18, 2023


4 men met in the gloom

Warmorama: SSH, CDDs, plank, plank stretch, Merkins

The Thang: Core and More – full round of Maggie and Monroe – timed ab sets (you name ’em, we got ’em) – Unfortunately Q misnamed ’em but we got ’em in the end.  Short Sean T set to get the heart revved up.  

near mile loop run with plank set break in middle

Backward hill run followed by “full pace” forward run down hill then up to hill de sac.

round of abs, dealer’s choice

Mosey to home base


  • Schwinn arrived for usual Core and more – stayed for the Maggie and Monroe
  • Q’s mind was mixed up – could be the poor air quality
  • G-rip complimentary of the ab beatdown
  • Prayers for Slow’s mother in law and grieving family.  Prayers for Lilah.  Prayers that all of our trials and tribulations will make us stronger and give us opportunity to merit.  (Prayers were definitely leaning Catholic in theology).  All were gracious, as always