North Meck Christmas Parade

++ The Duke and WMD plus 2.0s of Hyster, Swamp Thing, Zamboni, BagBoy, Special Sauce, and Grouch

Braving the cold (ok, cool) and rain (lots of rain) the Pax brought Christmas cheer to the streets of Davidson and Cornelius at the North Mecklenburg Christmas Parade…

Warm-Up – Gathering at our assigned spot the Pax warmed up with a decorate-o-rama on OC's truck and a borrowed trailer…

  • Christmas tree – Turns out the paint on those cheap glass balls comes off in rain
  • Banners – One for each side of the truck thanks to Das Boot
  • Coffeeteria setup on the trailer – complete with ceramic mugs (we were in TPR after all)
  • Wreaths and a fine tinsel F3 on the trailer

Main event – This event was half CSAUP, half marketing event…

  • Excercises – While OC expertly navigated the 2.5 mile parade route down Hwy 115 from Griffith St in Davidson to Catawba Ave in Cornelius the Pax alternated Qs and completed…
    • Hundreds of paver reps (yes, we took pavers on the parade) especially curls, skullcrushers, and overhead presses
    • Several rounds of Zamporini to catch up with OC
    • Side strattle hops (in motion) and lunge walks
    • Mericans and squats when the parade flow stalled
    • A few running laps around the "float"
    • and, at Baby Back's direction, a few rounds of LBCs on the wet streets.
  • Marketing – The 2.0s were marketing MACHINES for F3.  They handed out hundreds of F3 business cards to men in the crowd.  There were lots of joking "do you think I have a dad bod?" responses from the guys and "make sure he gets one" from wives along the way.
  • COT in Antiquity

Thanks to all for turning out in less than ideal conditions for the parade.  I believe we accomplished the goals of having fun and introducing F3 to a large audience in our region.  
