North & South at Thunderdome

Event Date

Aug 14, 2017

Jedi was there for the solo Standard.  He found something better to do with his time than that.

5:22 the rest of the PAX show up, introductions, get pumped, and we're off.

Mosey down to GCC entrance, and up the path.

Grab a rock, warmup, do some rock stuff.

Put first rock away, grab a smaller rock for travelling.

Overhead carry to GCC patio for Dips, Merkins, and more Rock stuff.

Some Rock Mary, and OH Carry back to the pile.

Mary with additional back and hammy Stretching.

aaaannnd ReCover-ReCover



Glitch made two requests for today's workout, minimal running, and NO picnic tables.  Success.

Capone made his return to Thunderdome today.  Great to see him putting in work.

Thanks TBC for opportunity to start off our week by leading this fine AO .