Not a Burpee free zone

Event Date

Apr 30, 2018

kicked off at 5:30 on a chilly Monday morning (low 40's) but the PAX got warm real quick…

Serpentine Mosey (high knees, butt kickers, quadriphilia) to the pull up bars.

Circle up for a Warm up:
SSH (IC) x 10
Little Baby Arm Circles (IC)  x 10
 – reverse (IC)  x 10
Windmills (IC)  x 10
IST (IC)  x 10
Merkins (IC)  x 10

The Workout:

10 pull ups
20 merkins
30 air squats
Lap around one parking tray
(plank until the six is done)

5 pull ups
15 merkins
20 air squats
Lap around one parking tray
(plank until the six is done)

3 pull ups
10 merkins
15 air squats
(Plank until the six is done)

Grab a block

Curl x 10 (IC) 
Overhead press x 10 (IC) 
Skull Crushers x 10 (IC) 
Run around small parking tray
(Repeato x2)

Return a block

Mosey back towards the pavilion and find a ledge

20 Dips (IC)
20 step ups (10 each leg)
10 dips (IC)
10 step ups (5 each leg)
5 Derkins (IC)
5 Incline Merkins (IC)

Mosey towards the wall for some people's chair. Hold.
20 overhead presses (IC)
Hold chair.
20 touch dem heels (IC)

Recover from people's chair for 10 shoulder touch Merkins (IC)

Mosey around parking tray, ending route by cars.

Circle up for a climb down a burpee ladder from 5. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits after finishing the set, so we climbed back up the burpee ladder to 5.

Each PAX called out a workout around the circle until we hit the 6:15 mark.

Caboose: Pretzel Crunch (10x IC then flapjack repeato)

Mona Lisa: WW I's (20x IC, but I think he could have gone to 100)

Tuck: Mountain Climber's (15x IC)

Rooter: Crunchy Frog (10x IC)

Bunyan: Turkish sit-ups to burpees (about 10 total)

Recover recover

Thanks Mona Lisa for noting the new addition of blocks to LFC!

Thanks to Tuck for the opportunity to Q. It had been a while since I Q'ed and it definitely showed. I always look forward to starting out the work week with the PAX at the Sword and I appreciate you all for showing up this morning!

– Vandelay