FNG-1 is "The Glove".  I think I am missing a couple.  Sound off and I'll update.  

Whelp….day 2.  I led yesterday and it was a fan favorite.  Today I wanted to do something differnet….but I failed.  

Warmorama – NOPE.  Like Cupcake said….dumb.

5 burpees
20 curls
20 Upright rows
5 burpees
20 mericans
20 skull crushers
5 burpees
20 overhead press
20 dips
5 burpees
Lap around the fountain

The beatings continued for 40 minutes.  The above continued (something like that) going down by 2's.  Then back up, odd numbers.  Didnt do them in cadence.  It was odd.  Someone said my Q was like a puzzle.  Truth.  

1.  The Glove is fast.  Cupcake tried to catch him.  Then he did a slow mosey for the rest of the workout.  
2.  Geppetto tried to keep up with The Glove also.  He cheated.  
3.  It was good to see Dewey and Goodell back in the gloom.
4.  For two consecutive workouts, we did over 100 burpees each.  I plan to go home and sleep for 3 days.  
5.  Coffee after the workouts is one of the best parts of my day.  Today we laughed like 12 year olds.  Aren't we all though?