Not all of you will make it…Part 2

13 Pax on a nice day at Fartlek revisited this run from February:

Well, Cobains for the repeat workout.  But the scheduled Q (Moses) was OOT.  The substitute Q (Jolly) was sick.  One could argue this minor inconvenience is the byproduct of lining up Qs several months in advance.  YHC would argue, this is a feature of lining up Qs several months in advance!

The Thing:

  • Run all the way down Wynfield Creek Pkwy, cross Gilead, and get onto the Greenway.
  • Go right
  • Go all the way to the new Greenway parking lot on Gilead, or turn back at 0551, whichever came first


  1. We prayed for BEP's daughter, Ultraman's Mom, and all the runners running races this upcoming weekend, including…
  2. Ultraman is pacing the 2:20 group at the Run for the Green Half Marathon in Davidson on Saturday.  Die Hard is running the Wineglass Half Marathon in New York on Sunday.  He'll be joined by Crab Legs and Frogger for the full Marathon.  Good luck gents!
  3. Little Finger mentioned 11 miles tomorrow at Speed Dating.  Join him if you are feeling spry.
  4. You'll probably see many of the west-siders (TBone, Freedom, BEP, and YHC) at Ludicrous Speed tomorrow.  So there are options!
  5. Crocs and Pit Stop, and I believe Little Finger and Crab Legs nearly made it to the new Greenway parking lot.  The rest of us had to turn back at 0551 a bit short of it.
  6. Tuffy looking awesome in his 2018 GRH006 shirt.  But Sir, that is not a running shirt; that is a fine Friday night shirt in my book!  Where was your training partner Tammy Faye today?
  7. Pray for everyone in the Tampa area expected to get hit with a Hurricane.  Pray that Jorel can keep everyone with power.  YHC joked that I'll file a complaint with FEMA if Jorel has to work in the office on Saturday.  I mean…if you are trying to keep people safe…why force my boy into the office?!?  I'm going to need to speak to a manager.
  8. Mr. Mulligan Sir…the current MQ of this workout is clearly not very creative!  YHC invites you to think about maybe correcting that for us.  I would even buy you a drink at this little event coming up:  No pressure…but think about it Sir!

Appreciate you gents.  Looking forward to many more miles together now that Fall is finally here.