Not enough running at BRR

Congrats to all those who ran BRR this year and experience some true team fellowship..  F3 LKN may have not had the following from past years but many F3 teams from the area and beyond represented.  Asheville RC beat Charlotte RC this year (although there was a bit of controversy)


#PB noted this was leg #37 of the BRR calling Teams PMG, Gotcha, and SoCSAUPItHurts out for a Monday after BRR recovery run.



0450 1 mile pre-standard on the track – Garcia and Little Finger.  Fenway was present but not accounted for #CB.  0500 Circle back for 2-3 mile standard.  About to launch and who shows up?  Team CSAUP's MindFreak! Run from Bailey Road Park out and back to W. Catawba.   0530 Circle back for OG Fireball Loop.  Professor from Team PMG was present.  Wait. . .what is this? Members from Team We've Goat This and the H2C team are also present.  Either must have missed running BRR this year or came for the BRR Stories.  OG Route doesn't disappoint in having a mix of downhill, rolling hills, gradual climb / decent and last Bailey Spring's hill climb at the end.  Great runners and good times as always.



·       Freaking Professor just shows up after crushing BRR and leads the Fireball Chase.  Exemplified the BRR spirit and resisted getting killed.

·       Hippie was leading with Professor.  They must have thought they were part of the Peloton.       These cyclists are strong runners. Much respect to Hippie as always.

·       Speaking of respect.  Fireball regular Omaha always runs strong on Mondays.  Great work today!

·       T-bone showed up and ran. . . .it must have been because Professor was there!

·       Beetle's Richmond SC has gone from a Marathon to an 8k. By next week it could be the Fun Run.

·     T-claps to MindFreak for coming out for a run after I called Team SoCSAUP to come out and support the AO.  He showed up with sore legs and ran anyways.  Great job brother!

·       T-claps to Fenway. Always puts others first.  Ran slow on standard and hung back with MindFreak.  True #HIM in every sense.

·       T-Claps to Squiggy for PRs on the final 2 hill climb segments.  Awesome work today! 

·       Team GOTCHA must have either ran hard at BRR or needed to catch up on their sleep.  Only team not represented this morning at Fireball. GOTCHA!



·       Hippie brought up the F3 Dad's and Daughter’s Mini-Golf. in October.  Keep on the look out for details to follow.  



Little Finger