Not everyone is running…

Event Date

Feb 23, 2023


Only 4 pax today but those pax put in good work and enjoyed one another’s company as we determine many other Isotope pax are out running/training for the P200 or other events.

YHC was happy to have the Q today after last week’s Stretch Q was cancelled for the Daytona 500 convergence.

Decided to work a couple learnings in YHC picked up from Cape Fear (Wilmington) on Saturday.


Lap around the parking lot.  Back to the bottom by the vehicles for SSHs then a focus on the hammies since TP has a tight one and because of what YHC had planned.  So we also did long snappers TN style, Windmills, slow squats then toy soldiers 1 leg at a time 5 IC each leg.  Try this – it’s better than alternating legs in cadence imo.

The Thang:

String of Pearls.  Count off, remember your number.  We’ll run, then when we stop pax will rotate calling the next exercise and we’ll go in order of the pax’s number.  Lame Q?  Nah, just clever.  The running? Well that would be parking lot sprints.  One side to the other, breathe, then back. Then pax exercise, then advance to the next row.  Repeat until we’ve sprinted every row back and forth and we’re at the top where blocks are conveniently located.

Stick with the SOP cadence as we do 2 rounds of blockwork (plus some chin-ups which 1/2 the pax understood, the other 1/2 didn’t but that’s to be expected from a retired teacher and an HR executive).

Blocks up in time to slow mosey back down the hill for Mary.

Mary was also called by the pax in our numerical order.  6:14, transition to a quick stretch and we’re done. Recover, recover.


YHC was running early so had time to stage a speaker, phone and block up top.  With still extra time and only Drebin’s truck pulling in, YHC took time for a couple quick sets of pullups just cuz.

The speaker would be used during blockwork. St Patrick’s Day is 3 weeks from tomorrow so it’s certainly time for the Irish Pub Rock playlist on Spotify.  And 1st song to add energy was “Johnny I hardly Knew Ya” which was just in time for ‘Hoff to call blockies.  They were easy with the pub rock blasting.  We also listened to Drunkin Sailor and Whores & Hounds to name a few.

YHC beat Drebin in the first sprint.  Or Drebin let YHC win.  Or Drebin followed instructions to ease your way into the sprints on the first one.  Either way, it was glorious.

Turnpike is nursing a tight hammy so smartly didn’t sprint but did other exercises while the other 3 did. Ice up, son.

No MWAR today as the M texted YHC last eve to inform me she’d agreed to loan it to today’s FIA Q.  So YHC’s big, long, thick, black… rope was enjoyed by the ladies of the dark this morning.  YHC politely asked the M to not pimp out my (ya know) on mornings YHC also has the Q in the future.

Prayers up to my mom and dad.  Continued progress with Mom but didn’t get the miracle results of her pancreas scan we prayed for yesterday.  But progress is good and she feels great.  Hard to ask for more, but hard to tell a family not to pray for a miracle either.  She knows F3 Nation is praying and she is so appreciative and she knows it’s working.

Prayers up to 66’s daughter who will have brain surgery to remove a mass this Monday I believe.  She’s in good hands with skilled doctors and a loving Lord, but all of F3Nation will be praying over her and the 66 family through Monday and beyond.
