Not Everyone is Running in Davidson

Not listed on the site: Puddin, Dingo (not to be confused with the Huntersville Dingo!), ABBA, Vanilla Ice, and FNG now named Marshall.


26 were tested in many activities and all passed with flying colors



Warm up on The Green

15 X Toy Soldiers IC

15 X Windmill IC

15 X Cotton Pickers IC

Plank to Cobra to Plank

10 X Mericans IC

(Note to Self: Need to mix this up, realized I’ve done the exact same thing my last three Q’s!)


The Thang

Mosey to Davidson Elementary

10 X Pull Ups, run to picnic tables for 2 X Dips IC (so really 4)

Continue, decrease Pull Ups by 2 and increase Dips by 2 until complete (30 Pull Ups, 60 Dips)

Split the group in half to start so we weren’t all standing around to do pull ups…worked fairly well


People’s Chair w/ 15 X Air Press IC

10 X Burpees OYO


Mosey to DUMC

Partner Up, Partner A Bear Crawl parking lot while Partner B runs a lap.  Flap Jack to the end of the lot.

Finished up with all bear crawling 2 parking spaces, then 5 X Mericans IC.  Repeato.


Mosey to paver area

?10 X Curls IC

10 X Overhead Press IC

10 X Skull Crushers IC

10 X Squat IC


15 X Low Flutter w/ Paver Press IC


Mosey the lot for recovery


15 X Curls IC

15 X Overhead Press IC

15 X Skull Crushers IC

15 X Squat IC


15 X Low Flutter w/ Paver Press IC


15 X Burpees OYO to finish up


Run back to The Green




Time’s Up!


Recover, Recover



– Was really surprised and impressed that 26 made it out today!  With the 5:15 AES and BRR training I thought it might be a light crowd.  Also had 10 Respects.

– Mumble chatter was low as all men put in strong work. 

– Did have a slight mutiny as the group finished the bear crawl at the end of the lot and I had instructed (or thought I did) to circle back to complete the entire lot.  Will chalk up to poor Q communication, although I think it was Scrum who pretty much bear crawled the entire loop.

– Great to see Tubbs out there, who I met a few weeks back for his first post…#TimeToQ!

– Named FNG Marshall today (West Virginia Mountaineer fan).  Found out the best way to get your F3 name is to say “Oh God, don’t name me that!”.  Welcome!


Until next time…

