Not Frozen Friday the 13th

Event Date

Dec 13, 2019

Six men braved the rain and comfortably cool gloom this morning. 

The sleet was a no show as predicted. 


13 x SSH (IC)

13 x Squats (IC)

13 x Monkey Humpers (IC)

13x Cotton Pickers (IC)

Arm Circles forward and backwards

13 Merkins OYO


13 x KB Around the world – 13 each direction OYO

13 x KB Curls both hands or 13 each arm as needed OYO

13 x KB Merkins- right hand on bell- 13 OYO

13 x KB Ribbons- 13 total OYO

13 x KB Lawn mower pulls each arm OYO

13 x KB Squats- OYO

13 x KB Standing chest press – OYO

13 x KB Upright rows OYO

13 x KB Standing skull crushers   OYO

13 x American KB swings

13 x KB Merkins- left hand on bell- 13 OYO

14 x Sidewinders—Yes, 14 thanks to Hefty

13 x single arm shoulder press- each side OYO

13 x deadlift OYO

KB carry laps in front of gym (three Mater laps each round)

Repeato for max rounds (two rounds completed)


LBC (IC) x 20

Low flutter (IC) x 15

Pretzel crunch (IC) x 15 Left and right


The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. -Matthew 20:28      Real happiness is not obtained by seeking your own personal joy and pleasure, but in putting others first.

Name-a-rama and prayer out

Pleasure to lead as always.  Great group and mumble chatter.  

Prayers for Toto and Twinkle for their loss of family recently. 

Safe travels for the PAX going to hocky tonight. 

Hefty has top bunk in Hilton Head.  Ask mater or show to know.  

Continued prayers for Marker's M as she recovers from a broken toe.