Not Grey Rd

Event Date

Apr 05, 2020




Not included: Duvall (because he pulled a Kumquat).


YHC ran a few minutes behind and sent Duvall a DM saying so and was greeted by silence and Dallas in his pink shoes upon arrival at the Green.


it was assumed that the Mayor's waving to passersby and public notice of "will start up again at 0800", it was decided that Grey Rd would not be achievable to arrive back by 0800 with a late start. This, audible was called to run the DART loop.


much discussion of working from home/videoconference advice for family members, pro tips from the Gnarly one and what one does with all family at home and a cut in internet access. All with proper 6 foot distancing of course…Dallas was kind enough to Lollygag at the YHC slower but hopeful pace.

returned to the green to find the "I overslept" tweet. Laughs at the mayor's expense and we went on our separate ways to achieve our Sunday goals.


Respectfully submitted 5 April 2020 –
