Not in F3 Shape Yet

Pax not listed above: Heister, Sea Biscuit

We had 12 take on YHCs return after 6 weeks on the IR.  I was quickly thrown into the state of realizing I’m not in F3 shape anymore and have some work to do!

  • Warmorama – SSH, Cotton Picker, Spider Lunge with Downward Dog, In Place Bear Crawls with Merkins (15OYO, 12, 8, 8, 12, 15).
  • Run to DUMC
    • Grab a Paver
    • Circle Up for “Ring of Fire” – Johnny Cash (2:30 minuites)
      • Curls
      • Shoulder Presses
      • Skull Crushers
    • Lap around Dale House
    • 10 Burpees OYO – to Britney Spears per Hooker's request
    • Tabata (20/10 sec)
      • Close Merkins
      • Regular Merkins
      • Wide Merkins
      • Knee Merkins
      • Knee Merkins
      • Tricep Dips
      • Alternating Hand to Toe Touches
      • Alternating hand to toe touches
    • Lap
    • Tabata (20/10)
      • KB Swings
      • KB Swings
      • Louie Z’s
      • LZ’s
      • LZ's
      • Shoulder Press
      • Shoulder Press
      • Low Flutter Paver Press
    • Lap
    • Paver Push across Lot and back
    • Paver away
    • Back towards green
    • Mary


  • Felt great to get back today after 6 weeks of IR!  Always a better start to the day hanging with 11 other men who get after it!  Everyone crushed it this morning.
  • Hooker's music request was granted today – Britney Spears
  • Creeper, Squiggy and Special Sauce led the pack in running today and even had Heister passing me with some speed!
  • Moonlight's first time pushing pavers – it's a love hate relationship with them – so good, yet so bad!
  • Nice work by all!
