Not Mad, Glad

FNG-1 is Coat Factory



10 Copper Head Squats

10 Cotton Pickers IC

Arm Circles all way possible

The Thang

Mosey directly to the gym and pair up. 

80 Carolina dry docks as a team- 1 partner does the exercise and the other moseys up the hill and then swap up. 

120 Merkins – 1 partner quadraphilia up the hill and then swap up. 

180 WWI -1 partner moseys up the hill and then swap it up

200 Deep Squats – 1 partner quadraphelia up the hill and then swap it up. 

circle up and do 10 OYO Mountain Climber Merkins  

Mosey back to the launch pad



10 Bertha dying cock roaches IC

10 Pretzel crunches each leg IC

10 Low flutter kicks IC

10 Scissor crunches each leg IC

1 minute of American hammers


1 Corinthians 16:13

Be on gaurd. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. 


I wasn't mad. If I don't stay focused I forget what I was doing. 

Clark is always a good partner for these types of workouts. Crushed it

Crabby patty's name doesn't fit. He is never Crabby. Pretty sure I haven't heard him complain yet. 

Everyone seamed to push themselves and work hard today. Great work

Thank you guys for letting me lead and pushing me to be better. 
