Not quite Hollywood

10 Men showed for a #NotQuiteHollywood workout  Here's what we did:


10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Windmills IC
10 IST's IC

The Thang:

5 sets of 3 exercises done to (12) 4-count reps. Each set has one upper body exercise, one leg exercise and one core exercise. After each set of three exercises, run lap around lot.

1.  Merican, Squat, LBC
2.  CDD, Lunges, Rosalita
3.  Incline Merican, Squat Jumps, Crunchy Frog
4.  Decline Merican, Reverse Lunges, Dying Cockroach
5.  Ranger Mericans, Side Lunges, Low Flutter

Hand off to Holiday…

Everyone grab a line

25 side to side jumps (that's 25 single count for the ACC crowd…)
25 front to back jumps 

Head to wall for People's Chair plus air press
Repeato with air chest press

20 Mericans, then run up ramp across lot, down stairs, back to start, x 3.  Oof…that was tough.

Sprint back to launch point, supposedly at 80 %.  Yea, not so much for the old guys, or maybe it was just me.

Hand off to Little Professor for Mary:

15 LBC's IC
15 WWII situps OYO
15 Rosalita IC
15 J Lo, courtesy of Amen

Recover, Recover

Great showing and effort today by the PAX.  Nice to see some faces that haven't been to HW in awhile.  Looking forward to getting the AO's opened shortly.  FNG 1 & 2 are Zare and MOD.  Couldn't find them on the list, but 
their performance was certainly noted.  Well done guys.

DD, Holiday, Little Prof