Not So Spooky Cauldron Stations

3 pax showed up to run a 2.1 mile standard, and as we returned the AO was filling with pax eager to get stronger and to find out who would rise to the top with the #ComplexFormula.  Points were heavily deducted from BlackBeard (once known as KettbleBabe put that title is now in jeopardy) for being a no-show.  Did he choose another AO or FS?  We all have a guess, and I bet we all have the same guess.  We had 14 without him.

The pax gathered and before YHC could offer a disclaimer, Gnarly Goat was already announcing an early departure to "take care of some business" but promised if that happened he would return.  He left about 60 seconds later and did return.  No points deducted.  He actually got some extra running in…

So we gathered and over extreme chatter (not even mumblechatter) we had some Warm-o-Rama:  SSH, IST, Windmills, Long Snapper (TN style).  

Count off by 5s, and YHC handed a card to the 1st 5 pax.  This would establish the groups of (mostly) 3 and they now each held the directions in their hands.  Despite strategic planning and physical directions, these groups remained clueless until the end of the workout…

The (very simple) Thang:

Group 1:  Runners – run a lap around the green to set the pace for each stations.  Our timers, basically.

Group 2: Curls – full, low, high, isolated – whatever the pax wants.  Just stop asking questions and move the dang bells.

Group 3:  Skull Crushers.  Simple enough…

Group 4:  Box Jumps in the middle – 1st or 2nd level.  Or step-ups.  Pax choice.  Most chose step-ups, and their knees and ankles probably thanked them.  YHC wondered every time my group took a lap why my knee was hurting… Duh.

Group 5:  KB press and KB flies.  KBs were stationed at 3 benches.  35 lb bells at one, 25 lb bells at another, and thanks to Tammy Faye's bell another bench had a 25 lb and 26 lb (WTF, TF?).

When the timers/runners returned, time to switch station.  This was to be the easy part.  Group 1 to group 2, group 2 to group 3, etc.  Group 5 back to group 1 (so go run after you bench).  

Between each full round of the pax completing each station, a burpee for each round completed.

Speaking of burpees, an audible was offered to anyone unable to run.  Burpees while your group runs.  No audibles were called.  Imagine that.

We finished 3.8 rounds.  YHC knew this would not go over well – skipping the last set of round 3.  The pax did complain, but YHC saved them from FOUR BURPEES, so c'mon – show a little love and appreciation.

At 6:08 it was time for MWAR.  Toxic was NOT happy with the pax's pace as we navigated the circle.  He musta had something glorious in mind.  We'll never know.  Cobains to Amen for not getting to him.  The pax could see this coming, yet no one called for the J-Lo. Ouch, not sure if/how Amen will recover.

At least the horrible music was turned off for MWAR.  YHC attempted 2 different Spotify stations for a Halloween music theme.  Whatever played was NOT that.  And more commercials than music, but the pax seemed to like the commercials better anyway.

COT took place following MWAR, and prayers were lifted up for many spoken and unspoken.  Enron has his 1-yr anny Q tomorrow at The Estate, btw.

For any pax out there with an M who's been considering trying FIA, or who has tried it and has been wanting to make it back, encourage the M to post tomorrow.  My M will be celebrating her 50th bday with the Q at 8AM at LFC parking lot.  The ladies will be in high spirits – possibly for the big bday, or maybe just because it's the monthly "Muscles & Mimosas" workout.  Mimosas follow the workout.

Congrats to TopGun for winning the Oct t-shirt.  It was a real crowd pleaser and quite appropriate for the time of year.  TG does love his KB…  Next month's t will also be great.  Just sayin'.

The Moleskine:

Read the dang BB above – you'll find it throughout.

The Force is OUT.
