Not So Super Monday

Event Date

Feb 08, 2016

We gathered this morning on the Davidson Green for a post-Super Bowl session, but the PAX looked a lot like the Panthers and decided not to show up. Those who were committed to the mission at hand (see Denver Broncos Defense) showed up to go to work; we did our best to cleanse ourselves of the carb load from the night before. Knowing the quality of our PAX I assume that everyone else was at the River Monster??

Warm up was straightforward: SSH, squats, merkins (regular-incline-decline), alt lunges, plank walkouts (next time you show to one of my Qs I'll have to show you), arm circles and shoulder stretches prepping for more merkins 🙂

We ran to the Christian School for some stations:

Station 1: Squat jumps 15

      Hand release merkins 15

      LBC 15

      Repeat x3 then run around school

Station 2: sprint station

            All 6 men lined up in front of the swings next to the pull-ups bars. The first man in line went to the pull-up bars and did AMAP until the sprinters returned; then the next man in line was up on the bars and repeated down the line (so 5 total 70 yard sprints with one set AMAP pull-ups).

Run around school

Station 3: Hand release merkins 10

      Pull-ups 6-7

      LBC 15

      Repeat x3 then run around school

Since upper body exercises really isn’t my forté I thought we could go to the hill behind the school for the next station but we all agreed that the frozen dew made the field like an ice rink, so I decided to do an easier station and put that one away for warmer days

Station 4: Burpee countdown

Start with 10 burpees followed by a core exercise, then 9 and a leg exercise, etc…. down to one.

Core exercises alternated between heels to heaven and LBC, while leg exercises alternated between squat jumps, and static squat holds. 55 burpees total

We ran once more around the school and headed back to the green, and fortunately it was only 6:10 so we had time for one more station we repeated 3 times:

            Dip 15

            Alt lunge 15

            J-Lo 15

6:15 on the nose: count, birth name, rank, call sign, ball of man.

I look forward to seeing you all at my next Q. Maybe my workouts have been a bit on the easy side so you figure not worth it to show; figure you’ll burn the same amount of calories doing supine posterior eyelid gazes. I’ll do my best to turn the dial up a notch or two 😉