Not so Sweet 16..and more!

FNG-1= Dr. Dolittle

FNG-2= Calvin aka Coat Factory 

Lets get both of these new guys in the system as soon as possible because everyone loves getting credit! 

A few good men gathered at Mustang this morning at 5:30am for a great time of Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith and then at 5:31am Mater showed up and almost killed Dr. Dolittle in what would have been a hit and run..sounds like a case for Lieutenant Lois Einhorn?? But all lives were spared and we were able to begin!

Warm Up: 

  • SSH-15 IC 
  • Grandma Maters-15 IC 
  • Imperial Storm Troopers-15 IC 
  • Right Over Left 
  • Left Over Right 
  • Down The Middle 


Mosey to the track for the Not So Sweet 16.. 

  • Corner One: 15 Squats and 1 Merkin..quick jog to the next corner 
  • Corner Two: 14 Squats and 2 Merkins..quick jog to the next corner
  • Corner Three: 13 Squats and 3 Merkins..quick jog to the next corner 
  • And so on until you've completed 1 Squat and 15 Merkins 
  • Once you've completed everything wall sit until the 6 comes in..this was a crowd favorite! 

Tickle gave us a 10 out of 10 nice and slow 10 count and then we Mosey up to the parking lot for the Almost Elite 8..

  • Top of the hill: 8 WW1s
  • Bottom of the hill: 7 WW1s 
  • Top of the hill: 6 WW1s 
  • Bottom of the hill 5 WW1s 
  • Top of the hill 4 WW1s 
  • Bottom of the hill 3 WW1s 
  • Top of the hill 2 WW1s 
  • Bottom of the hill 1 WW1 
  • Finish it off with 8 burpees and plank for the 6 

Mosey to the front of the basketball entrance for the Final 4..

  • 3 Monkey Humpers and 1 Dip 
  • 2 Monkey Humpers and 2 Dips 
  • 1 Monkey Humper and 3 Dips 

The Final 4 absolutley seemed to be the crowd favorite…but i dont blame them as Monkey Humpers are fun for everyone! 

Mosey back to the launch pad for Mary! 


  • Low Fludders-20 IC 
  • LBCs-20 IC 

Recover Recover 


"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28 ESV 

Rest is in interesting topic for American men, we understand what rest means in terms of post workout, coming home from a long day at work, or even resting from a day with the family. But where we often miss out on this idea of rest is that as men we take on the weight of the world. We carry so much on our shoulders, work stress, wife stress, kids stress, feeling like we always have to have it together, and if ever for a moment we feel "weak" its considered a bad thing. Men aren't allowed to hurt, aren't allowed to cry, we cannot ask for help, we are just suppose to hold it all in. And that is just not correct. I believe this is a huge reason that even though we live in a great country, with great oppurtunity, and so much good to offer, suicide rates are at an all time high, depression is at an all time high, divorce, anger, brokeness is at an all time high. Because while we may all know how to relax, we do not know how to rest. What Jesus is saying in Matthew 11:28 is you don't have to walk around with such a heavy burden anymore, you don't have to carry so much crap anymore, come to me and I will give you rest. Jesus took on the cross for our sins, our shame, and all of our burden. We do not have to go through life with the weight of the world on our shoulders because Jesus already did that for us. Who the Son sets free is free indeed and I want to challenge you great men to live like it! God Bless, it was a pleasure to lead you all this morning! -Finkle 


  • Coat Factory, thanks for trusting us enough to come back for round 2, hope you stick around forver! 
  • Clark showing up at 6:16am to a 5:30-6:15am workout takes guts.. I like guts! 
  • Mater we start at 5:30 not 5:31 but after a weekend of slinging Maters Meat all throughout Denver I would be tired on a Monday morning too 
  • Tickle cameout to prove he was still pretty fast 
  • Sonar made a Monday Morning Apperance and it was great to have him! 
  • T Claps to all who came and worked this morning and nothing but love for those who didn't! 