Not The Murph at Titan

Event Date

Oct 25, 2021


It is still short sleeve weather, but barely.  Here is what went down at Titan today:

0500:  Nice little run standard with 9 Lives, Marker, and Tantrum.  More on that in the Moleskin.


Disclaimer given.

WARM-O-RAMA in place:

  • IST x 10 IC
  • SSH x 10 IC
  • "Happy Jacks" = (SSH x 5 IC + Jump Squats x 2 OYO) x 2
  • "Smurf Jacks" x 10 IC
  • "Press Jacks" x 10 IC (this one needs a demo, apparently)
  • Well we exhausted all the variations of the SSH…no wait suggestion given for…
  • "Wacky Jacks" x 5 IC (The Q was not coordinated enough to get anything out of this)

The Thing:

We did some Tabata first, 10 iterations of 45 seconds of work with 30 seconds of rest.  Exercises included, not necessarily in this order:

  • Mericans
  • Slow deep squats
  • LBCs
  • Burpees
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Low flutters
  • Carolina Dry Docks (CDDs)
  • Slow deep squats again
  • Out and ups  (Some called it a Homer to Marge ish thing)
  • Mericans again

We "paused" the Tabata at one point for a plank (90 seconds).  Let it be known that a second set of Burpees was denied.  Apparently the Q promised that the first set would be the only set, and somehow the Pax did not forget that!  Nicely done, really just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.  (+10 points, #ComplexFormula)  < – – A friend of mine wrote that joke.

Anyway much to the dismay of the Q we were somehow only 15 minutes into the workout at this point.  So we went into the covered pavilion area, and Jingle turned on the lights, for:

  • People's Chair x 30 seconds + air presses x 10 IC + touch them heels x 10 IC
  • Dips x 10 IC  (slow cadence, focus on form)
  • Step ups x 10 each leg
  • Captain Thors
    • WWII followed by American Hammers in 4 count, so start 1-4 all the way to 6-24.
  • Plank x 75 seconds

Mosey a short ways to this triangular piece of land, run once around it to get everyone oriented.  Then we did:

  • Aiken Legs  (Exicon definition below)
    • Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps (we did jump squats), 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Split Jacks (10 each leg forward).  (we reversed the order of #3 and #4, and lunged part of the way around the triangular area)
  • Run the rest of the way around.
  • Repeato, but with only 15 reps of the Aiken Legs

Mosey back to the parking lot for Mary.


  • Plank x 60 seconds
  • Low Dollys x 10 IC  (Pax wanted to do "reverse plank at that point", the Q obliged sort of)
  • Mason Twists / American Hammers x 10 IC  (Something something "we already did these" lol)
  • Freddy Mercury x 10 IC
  • Plank x 30 seconds (skipping the 45!)

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 0.81 miles.  YHC wanted to embrace the boot camp format of the new Titan, and I think we did that.


  1. Well YHC had a hunch.  Even though the #PB mentioned the new location, I was afraid Marker might show up to the High School.  So during the Standard we ran there and boom!, we found our friend.  Gave him the directions to the clubhouse, and met him there.  After that we did the "Latta loop" which was about another mile.  Glad we found you bud.
  2. And we prayed for Marker's M who is recovering from a fall over the weekend.
  3. Enjoyed Tantrum's company at The Force's M's birthday party on Saturday.  But let it be known that he pulled an "Irish Goodbye" and sort of left without saying much.  To his credit though, he said they were talking to Mooch near the end of the night and leaving makes sense after hearing that.  I think Mooch was showing my M some sort of weird mating dance…I don't know; that dude is comical with a little Bourbon in him.  Or maybe it was a lot of Bourbon.
  4. 9 Lives missed the party because of work but his M was there.  She even kindly offered her coat to someone but we won't mention who that was or why I er I mean he didn't wear more than short sleeves.  Good catching up today bud.  See you for Ludicrous Speed on Wednesday?
  5. Jingle thank you for the opportunity to lead and sorry it took so long to finally Q here.  I'll be back if you'll have me bud.

Good times gents,
