Not The Q We’re Looking For…

Event Date

Nov 11, 2017

The PAX began to roll in despite the chilly weather.  Our teeth chattered as we waited on the 0700 marker to buzz on my watch.  It buzzed. we mosied.  

The tour began with a light mosey around the lower soccer fields.  Tantrum had a flying EH of the latest PAX to join the F3LKN tribe, Wilson.  The PAX began to pass Wilson around as we ran along the outer edge of the soccer fields.  We found ourselves at the top of the Estate.

"Gentlemen (loosley used), I give you the Estate.  All of her." I said.  Many chuckles and light mumblechatter errupted.  The rest went a little like this:


  • 25 SSH
  • 20 IST
  • 15 CP
  • 10 WM

Stop 1 – Ladder 1 – 5 Rounds

  • 5 up-and-overs
  • Run 100M
  • 5 Burpees
  • Run 100M back
  • People's Chair on the posts while we wait
  • In between rounds: Merkins and Bulgarian Split Squats to break up the rounds.
  • Down to 4, to 3, to 2, to 1

Grab Wilson and Mosey

Stop 2 – Ladder – 3 Rounds

  • 10 Dips
  • Bunny-hop the steps
  • 5 Burpees

(Lots of mumblechatter errupting)

Wilson led the way to the bus parking lot

Stop 3 – Broad-Jump Burpee Ladder

  • 10 Muricans IC
  • Run 100M
  • Broad-jump burpee back
  • 8 Muricans IC
  • Run 80M
  • BJB back
  • 6, then 4, then 2 etc.

Several calls for Mary at this point.  Back out to the road and to the edge of the Estate's grounds at Bradley Middle and down to the track the back way.


  • 15 Slow squats (1,2,3 down, 4 up Cadence)
  • 15 Big Baby Crunches (Jedi Style)
  • 10 Slow squats
  • 10 BBCs
  • 5 Slow squats
  • 5 BBCs

Yes that was Mary, Elmers.

Mosey the long way home around the track, because.

Recover, Recover.


  • Professor: thanks for allowing me the honor to lead such awesome HIMs
  • Elmers & BEP:  Please get checked out. No animal should produce that.
  • 66: Strong work and quite a spark after the bunnyhop evolution.  It's like something from HTL jumped out of you.
  • Tantrum: You got your wish.  Something different.  Always cool to hang with you, bro.
  • Wilson: stay funky, dog.

I love this AO.  So much to do and so little time.  Always a fun crowd even when the crowd is cold, grumpy, and full of gas. 

Special Honor on this day to those who serve, fight, live, and die for the Red, White, & Blue.  Happy Veterans Day!
"The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is His name." Exo 15:3