Not-to-the-Rock Run

Event Date

Dec 06, 2020

5 pax (including YHC) posted to Excelsior on Saturday morning for a not-to-the-Rock run with some pain.

Brief synopsis of our run:

Mosey to end of parking lot, near entrance to Barnette Elementary for short Warm-O-Rama:

  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 10 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Good Mornings x 10 IC

Run down Bud Henderson a bit, and into entrance to "Spartan Park," i.e. Community School of Davidson's athletics complex.  Circle around parking lot and stop at field house behind football field.

  • People's Chair 30 sec
  • Touch Them Heels x 10 IC
  • Calf Raises x 10 each leg OYO

Mosey out of athletics complex, back onto Bud Henderson, and then head into Carrington Ridge.

Pause on Colonial Garden Drive for a few exercises:

  • Curb Man Maker Mericans x 10 IC
  • Australian Pullups on rail x 15 OYO

Continue in Carrington Ridge toward Turnpike residence.  Stop at Turnpike residence to admire Xmas lights, as well as to perform Monkey Humpers x 10 IC salute.

Run out of Carrington Ridge at Beatties Ford Road and up to parking lot at Bradley Middle.  Pause for the following:

  • Crab Cakes (aka Breakdancer) x 10 IC
  • WWII Situps x 10 OYO

Run on path behind Bradley Middle and Barnette Elementary to Bradley Middle track.  Each pax picks a lane on track and run together along track.  After each 200, pax on the inside lane shifts to outside lane and all other pax shift down one lane.  Repeato until all pax have run a 200 on inside lane (sort of – see Moleskin).

Congregate back in parking lot for quick Mary:

  • Crunchy Frog x 10 IC
  • Mason Twist x 10 IC

Recover, recover.


  • The pax covered roughly 3.5 miles today and got a good number of exercises in as well.
  • That was YHC's first time running through the CSD athletic complex area.  Nice to finally get over there and take a peek.
  • Pax had fun conversation going the entire way, including about the art of flipping gaming consoles, shoes, sports cards, toys, and other collectibles.
  • Thanks to Turnpike for his navigational help around Carrington Ridge.  Say what you will about the man's sense of direction, but he knows his way around that neighborhood.  Tclaps as well for his triple down!
  • 4 of the 5 Excelsior pax stayed for the Estate.  Thought it was going to be 5 of 5, but Tantrum made an extremely sneaky exit just before the Estate launch.
  • Thanks to Tantrum for the opportunity to lead this morning.  And thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016 – forever grateful.
