Not very original eggstreme egg hunt at Cauldron

With the PB’ed promise of an “eggstreme” easter egg hunt, 16 pax stiff-armed the fartsack, ignored the forecast and arrived in the gloom ready to get their basket to fill.

YHC had arrived quite early to hide eggs – each of which had a slip of paper inside with an exercise, number of reps and number of points it was worth.  Plan was to split into 2 teams, each with a captain bunny carrying a basket and the teams (all with KBs) would head in opposite direction to find eggs and as they found them, do the eggsercizes together as a team.  Well, there were some holes in this plan…

First, after hiding about half my eggs, I came upon Camp Gladiator and as I made my way up the deck ramp looking like the basket-carrying badass that I am, the Camp leader approached me to ask what I was up to.  As I began to explain, he was overcome with a look of worry so I paused.  He said, “OMG – we’re doing an easter egg hunt too.  I hid 35 eggs in here!”  Ugh.

Being the good sport that I am, I would backtrack and collect every egg I’d hidden, then take them all outside the deck (forecast stated it “might not” rain).

Issue #1 solved.

Issue #2 was that YHC didn’t fully eggsplain the rules, so team #1 split up, sent all their pax running to find/collect eggs and return them to the captain while team #2 (YHC was on this team) followed the not-so-well-eggsplained rules.  As team 2 emerged from behind DPK with our 5 eggs we saw team 1 with a full basket doing all their collected eggsersizes.  

Yada, yada, yada, YHC swiped a handful of their eggs, tossed them around while my team did burpees (one egg team 1 conveniently didn’t find), we did those eggsersizes, added KB bench presses, then gathered all the pax and headed into the deck.

In the deck, we’d set up an eggtesticle relay race.  

Then time for MWAR.

Eggcellent Moleskine:

My 2nd Q in a row at Cauldron that was partially foiled by odd events.  2 weeks ago we had all the emergency  responders of Hville join us and today Camp Gladiator got a copy of YHC’s playbook and ran my plan before I could.

Thinking Amen’s affection for doing J-Lo might be getting tiresome, YHC introduced “Doing J-Lo from the side” (hip dips).  The pax was impressed that despite how much Amen appeared to enjoy doing J-Lo from the side, he was quickly ready to do J-Lo in the traditional way just a few minutes later.  Not bad for a #respect.

Posting this BB at 10pm may not get any reads – post a comment if you’ve got anything eggstra to add, or simply if you read it.
