Not Your Father’s F3 Workout

Event Date

Jul 15, 2021

Originally a Firestone Q, but deferred due to IR and travel, YHC stepped up to create an arms-focused workout. Slept through 4 alarms and finally woke up at 0500 realizing there would be no Standard today. Luckily, no one was waiting for one. Rushed out to the AO to set up the stations, preparing for more pax than stations. However, only 3 more pax showed up which meant we would not need to use personal KBs. Swing State convinced his neighbor to join us and once he figured out where we were, we got started with a warmup.



  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Arm circles 
  • Reverse Arm circles

The Thang

Seven stations:

  1. 40lb KB OH Press (30lb KB available to modify)
  2. 65lb Barbell Curl (Underhand row modification if desired)
  3. Block Dips
  4. 25lb Dumbell Curls
  5. Double 25lb KB Shoulder Press
  6. 40lb Dumbell Tricep Extension (35lb Dumbell available for modify)
  7. Bosu Ball Mountain Climbers

Each pax picked a starting station and completed 15 reps single count (15 reps IC for mountain climbers) and then ran 50 yards out and back (100 yards total). Pax were to complete 3 sets at each station, so 45 reps per station.


After everyone got a go at all seven stations, we ran to the pull up forest for two rounds of Chelsea. Ran back to the weights and did:

  • 10 diamond merkins IC
  • 10 CDD IC (these especially sucked after all the lifting)


  • Low flutter x 15 IC
  • LBC x 15 IC
  • Crunchy Frog x 15 IC
  • Hollow Hold x 15 IC (Jobe)
  • Superman Swims x 10 IC (Swing State/Jobe)
  • Burpees x 10 OYO

Recover. Recover.


  • YHC sure is glad Swing State came out with the crew or else it would have been a Sad Clown. Trusted regular Enron decided to ditch and post at Samson. Shame him!
  • Jobe took his shirt off early claiming humidity. We all know he just wanted to make us look small. Guy is a tank.
  • Swing State brought out an FNG for his first post. It was agreed upon that due to his first post being at a more…"intense" workout, it should count as his second post as well and he would be named today. He's a big fan of home barbecue and he crushed a smoker of a workout. So he will now forever be known as Smoker. Welcome Smoker! Hope to see you back out!

Always great to start your day with a good workout and good company. Thanks to those who came out! Until next time – CB