Not your kids’ playground!

Event Date

Sep 23, 2020


Today, 20 PAX stepped up to a fast paced, multi-station beatdown consisting of four rotating rounds of four exercises with 10 reps for each exercise. Together, the PAX smashed a total of 16 exercises for 160 reps. Each round was followed by an uphill cardio activity [100-yard bear crawl, 150-yard walking lunges, 200-yard quadraphilia, and 500-yard sprint].  The PAX would group plank for the Six with a 5-10 second hold before rotating to their next station and exercise. 

The Beatdown

Warmed-up was a mosey around the building and down to the starting location followed by a quick circle-up for 10 reps of in cadence side shuttle hops. The PAX then counted into four groups of five people and stepped to their originating station – drawn in chalk on the street. 

Station A: [each with cinders]

  1. Burpee jump overs
  2. Squat thrusters
  3. Block merkins [alternate hands on block]
  4. Curls

Bear crawl with mosey back to start and group plank for the Six

Station B:

  1. Peter Parkers/Spiderman’s – alternating two count
  2. Carolina dry docks
  3. Split kicks
  4. Scorpion dry docks

Walking lunges with mosey back to start and group plank for the Six

Station C:

  1. Air squats
  2. Curb dips
  3. Broad jumps
  4. Merkins

Quadraphilia with mosey back to the start and group plank for the Six

Station D:

  1. Alternating shoulder taps
  2. Derkins
  3. Shoulder circles – ten each direction
  4. Lunge jumps

Sprint with mosey back to the start and group plank for the Six


The final sprint was back to the AO [with five PAX each carrying a cinder – thank you] followed by the COT and closing prayer led by Deep End.

There was a lot to get through and everyone was fully engaged and pushed themselves to achieve.  I am super proud of each PAX – thank you for allowing me to be your servant Q.  It was fun. 
