Nothin But Meat n Potatos at The Estate

Event Date

Jan 21, 2017

Once again The call to the bullpen yielded another save for YHC.  Given the late notice I decided to provide the 7 PAX in attendance  with a no frills meat and potatos pain fest.  I am confident all PAX left thoroughly stuffed – here is the meal

Warm O Rama

 Mosey around parking lot to warm up.  Circle up from for the following – all in cadence

IST x 20

SSH x 25

Cotton Pickers x 15

The Thang

Partner up for some relays

Squats x 400

Mericans x 300

LBC x 200

Burpees x 100

plank it out

partner 1 starts exercise, partner 2 runs up the parking lot and flip flop until all reps are complete.  That would be 1000 reps for those scoring at home


some extended Mary of various matches exercises – recover recover


– Nice work out of the PAX this AM and not a lot of mumble chatter

– It was established that Elmers is still war daddy and can do what he wants

– Finally HC for the roast of Dallas on 1/27


TBone Out