Nothin’ fancy

Event Date

Sep 05, 2018


7 men got stronger today. Here's the recap:


Run lap around parking lot

15 Toy Soldiers IC
15 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Abe Vigodas

The Thang:


100 merkins, 200 LBC's, 300 squats

Round 1:
Partner 1 starts with Merkins.  Partner 2 runs to the 1st Island and back.  Run to 2nd Island and back, run to 3rd Island and back to start. 
Flip flop and repeato until 100 merkins are reached.

Round 2:  
Partner 1 starts with LBCs.  Partner 2 runs to the 1st Island and does 1 burpee and runs back to start.  Run to 2nd Island, 2 burpees and run back to start, run to 3rd Island, 3 burpees and back to start
Flip flop and repeato until 200 LBCs are reached.

Round 3:
Partner 1 Squats. Partner 2 runs to the 1st Island and does 1 burpee and runs back to start.  Run to 2nd Island, 2 burpees and run back to start,  run to 3rd Island, 3 burpees and back to start. Flip flop and repeato until 300 squats are reached.

Head to the wall for the People's Chair & Air Presses x 20 IC.
15 Dips IC
Repeato of Peoples's Chair and Air Presses
10 Derkins IC

Mosey to the rock pile for some upper body work.

Full curls x 10 IC
Skull crushers x 10 IC
Overhead presses x 10 IC
Chest presses x 10 IC

Repeato x 2

Bent over rows x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC

Mosey to parking lot for Mary

Rosalita x 15 Deep Dish
Mericans x 10 Tupak
Russian Twists x 10 Code Blue
LBCs x 15 Pine Tar
Burpees x 10 Soprano

No mumblechatter to speak of.  The PAX were laser focused on the workout

Soprano apparently didn't see the preblast.  You know, the part about today not being a "burpee friendly" workout.  Oh well…

Prayers for speed and safety for all our BRR runners this weekend!

Deep Dish
