6 men arrived at Mustang to get stronger. Five of them walked into a Grateful Dead inspired workout that went something like this:
Almost ablaze still you don't feel the heat (Fire on the Mountain) Warm-O
- 20 SSH IC
- 10 Toy Soldiers IC
- 10 Windmills IC
- 10 Grandma Maters IC
All The Thangs I planed to do I only did half way (Mission in the Rain)
- Mosey to the gym entrance
- 20 Merkins IC
- 20 Squats IC
- Mosey to the flower bed in the bus lot
- 20 Incline Merkins IC
- 20 Calf Raises OYO
- Mosey to the binches
- 20 Dips IC
- 20 Step Ups OYO (10 each leg)
- Mosey to the Loading Dock
- 20 Burpees OYO
- 60 Second Wall Sit
- Mosey to the band hill
- 19 Wall Kics OYO (2 = 1)
- 1 Mosey to the Bottom of the Hill & Quadrophelia Back Up
- Repeato x4
- Mosey to the DU Bars
- 10 Palm Down/Overhand/Back of Wrist Up IC
- 10 Monkey/Sheep Humpers IC
- 10 Palm Up/Underhand/Back of Wrist To Ground IC
- 10 Monkey/Sheep Humpers IC
- 10 Alternate Grip IC
- 10 Monkey Humpers
- 10 Beer Can IC
- 10 Monkey Humpers
- Mosey to the Pull Up Bars
- 4 Rounds of The Murph OYO (5 Pull Ups, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats)
- Mosey to the Launch Pad
Just like Mary Shelly, just like Frankenstein (Ramble On Rose)
- 20 LBC's IC
- 20 Flutter Kicks IC
- 20 Pretzel Crunches IC (10 each side)
- 20 Freddie Mercuries
Mirror shatters, in formless Reflections of matter (Dark Star): 1 Corinthians 16:13 – Be on the alert, stand firm in faith, act like men, be strong
Can't talk to you without talking to me (Althea) MC
- Sonar…..on a weekday…..like bigfoot sighting. Glad to have you back brother!
- Iron Horse took a sniper hit during Quadrophelia and popped right up the weighted vest saved his life
- Billy Ray barely broke a sweat, he tried to find his sweat angel after Mary and had a hard time. Strong!
- Travolta suggested we rename Monkey Humpers to Sheep Humpers…something about the middle east…and proceeded to 'Baaaaa' while performing the exercise (they still sucked)
- Col Mustard was kinda quiet, hoping it was because of the beatdown
- Yesterday marked the 27th anniversary of Jerry Garcia's passing, essentially ending the 30 year touring run of the Grateful Dead – they played 2385 live shows and 480 unique songs. Individually we did 480 reps (equaling the # of songs played) and collectively we did 2880 reps (eclipsing the # of shows played with room to spare).
Pleasure to lead. Namaste, Bertha