Nothing Compares 2 Q

Ten men who are far beyond comparison came out on the last day of April to the Quarry.  While they all tried really hard to find other empirical evidence to the contrary, it was definitely proven that nothing else could compare.


Dynamic stretching platter

The Thang:

Come grab your bricks

Mosey to back parking lot for a variety of exercises accompanied by bricks and some laps thrown in.   

1st set

  • 10-part Man-maker mercans

  • Partner up for a combination boat pose with bricks while other partner does jump burpees over partners outstretched hands (6 burpees total)

  • V ups

  • Decline mercans on curb

  • Incline mercans on curb

Take a lap around track

2nd set

  • Squats with OH press

  • Front raises – with hold

  • Side raises – with hold

  • Upright row / Trapezoids – with hold

  • Mason Brick twist

  • Revolved shoulder press / Shruggie

Take a lap around track

3rd set

  • 10 pull-ups

  • 10 leg raises

  • Bent over row

  • 2 part Man maker mercans

  • Gun show curls

  • Skull crushers – with hold

  • Diamond mercans

  • Dips on curb

  • Tri extensions

  • Squats with curls

  • Lunges with front raises

  • Incline partner assisted WWI with bricks

  • Leg lifts with bricks with each Pax counting down from 10 at their preferred pace


  • Ten out on a Tuesday is strong. Could not disappoint the strong turnout with just a comparable workout

  • Loyal readers know that Q often traffics in hyperbole. However, IMO I do feel that the old brick workout standby, as far as a Natty inspired workout goes, is tough to compare

  • The workout was almost as great as the last episode of Game of Thrones. Per Christian McCaffery @run_cmc:

    • Greatest television episode of all time. Period. No discussion. Thank you @GameOfThrones

  • If you want to lose a few pounds, I recommend sampling the local cuisine in the Cambodian open air market

  • The brick assisted mason twist reminded someone of a SouthPark episode or perhaps a fever-induced dream where they thought an alien had inserted an anal probe in their body. Apparently this memory was triggered by the form taken during this exercise which effectively made it feel like this probe was what was causing the fulcrum type of effect that was being experienced in the lower exterior region. I’m just glad there was a Pax with a medical support t-shirt in attendance today to assist

  • Apparently once somebody mentions a probe such as this in that area of ones anatomy during the workout, it all rapidly goes downhill from there.

  • Glad to hear that the Ricky Bobby 400 was exported to Huntersville this weekend by a Twister-led workout 

  • “Hold it”

  • The holds worked extremely well for the shoulder exercises. That’ll get some heat flowing

  • Use extrem discretion if Slow Roll forwards you a Facebook page he has “liked”

  • Q got to sing a few verses of the tune for today’s workout theme. It seemed to go over pretty well

  • Apparently once you use a black light in a hotel room, you won’t soon go back

  • Great work men! Truth be told, nothing compares to you