Nothing Could be Finer than a Fartlek 3.9er

Event Date

Jul 25, 2023


‘Twas a cold misty afternoon in early Spring when the overeager former MQ of Fartlek (Turnpike) felt motivated to fill out his Q calendar for the remainder of the year.  Turning to the depths of his Rolodex©, he desperately asked YHC to pick a date in July to lead.  Having only attended two prior running workouts, it was far enough into the future to be an easy “yes”.

“My birthday is at the end of July!”, I innocently thought.  “Everyone loves a birthday Q… this could distract from me being anything but a ‘runner’.

The Spring rains soaked the ground as they have for millennia, the flowers bloomed, and the suffocating heat and humidity of the summer slowly encapsulated the Isotope region.  June came and went, and here we are, with an email reminder of the commitment I made those many months prior.

“Numerology” makes you sound like a lunatic, so I came up with a “same number” themed workout, which is way cooler.  Since I’m turning 39 on Saturday, I cooked up something I thought was clever.  Here’s how it went:


We circled up and I gave a disclaimer (a few unfamiliar faces were clearly confused by my presence).  I started as I have for two years, with a cadence call for Side Straddle Hops, and was quickly shut down with a “we don’t do those at running workouts”.

End Warm-a-rama.

Quick GIF by ION


Off to a great start.  I clearly have the full confidence of the group I’m leading.  Off we go.  We did some running and some backtracking to make a cool Strava shape — (see below in the post)!  At a few of the stops, we did burpees (39 total) and WWII sit-ups (39 total) — again, to the chagrin of the runners.

At one point, 3/4 of the group just left to do their own thing.


But a few stuck with me to bring my vision to fruition.  Back to launch for a quick…


  • 39 LBCs in Cadence


  • We ended up running 3.9 miles (by design) – I’m so grateful for F3, recognizing that when I started two years ago I couldn’t run a straight mile without collapsing.  Made an “F” for Fartlek.  Pretty cool, eh?Map of the group activity
  • Upon mentioning I turn 39 on Saturday, Tammy Faye was quick to point out that I’m “almost a man”.  It’s been a long time coming!
  • Thank you Enron (and Turnpike) for the opportunity to Q