Nothing Fancy at Titan

Event Date

Jan 08, 2018


Nothing fancy at Titan today.  Just kept moving to stay warm.  The story:

0500:  Run Standard with Tantrum and Dirt.  Stayed east of Beatties Ford.

0530:  Joined by Bob Ross, we headed west of Beatties Ford.  Quick disclaimer given en route.


  • Roughly half mile mosey to the Latta Clubhouse, including high knees, butt kickers, Quadraphilia, long striders, and Karaoke R/L.
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • Calf declines (raise up on both calves, then slowly drop on one side only) left x 10 IC
  • Calf declines right x 10 IC
  • Glute raises for 5 count x 10 IC
  • Glute raise left leg only 30 seconds
  • Glute raise right leg only 30 seconds

The Stay Warm Thing:

  • Run to the bottom of Mortimer Hill
  • Burpees x 10 OYO
  • Run up Mortimer Hill, plank while waiting

Ran down the other side of hill, bid farewell to Tantrum.  Ran to the front of the Latta neighborhood, for:

  • Wall jumps x 10 OYO
  • Derkins x 10 IC

Run back to the AO.  Then we ran to the "arena area" behind the school, for:

  • Box jumps up, hustle down, repeato
  • Derkins x 10 IC
  • Box jumps up, hustle down, repeato

Ran to the front of the school.  Whoops, we needed a bit more mileage, so one sprint then Mary.


  • Low Flutters x 25 IC
  • LBCs x 25 IC
  • Man Maker Elbow Plank x 10 IC
  • WWII Sit-ups x 15 IC.

Recover, recover.  We covered 3.1 miles according to Strava during the main event, and another 2.2 miles during The Standard.


  1. Great work and 2nd F by everyone. 
  2. Dirt has been cheating on F3 with some "gym time" with the M.  We'll let it slide since it's time spent with the M…but we're watching you buddy.  Please keep the "F3 to gym ratio" above 4:1 please!
  3. Bob Ross is a Steelers fan.  Believe we all collectively agreed:  Anyone but the Patriots this year, right?  See you at Mad Scientist buddy on Wednesday, if not sooner.
  4. Thank you Tantrum for the opportunity to Q.  Promise to get more creative for next time…oh look next Monday is a Bank Holiday!  YHC has the Q again and hopefully will deliver something more creative.  Or it could be another "Mortimer Hill Repeat-o" type workout.  You never know!  You never know.
