23 warriors emerged from the gloom to tackle the November edition of THE Horseshoe. Here is their story.

The Thang:

Mosey to the thoroughfare

Curb calf stretches

Windmills X 10

Downward dog and stretches

Long Snappers X 10

Mosey to the base of THE hill, 5 rocks collected on the way – first five back each round add 20 rock curls

The exercises for today's pyramid Horseshoe workout were 100 reps total of each of the following:

Carolina Dry Docks

Little Baby Crunches


Backward stepping lunges


Mosey to the fire station

Low Flutters X 20

Pretzel Crunch X 15 each side

Homer to Marge X 5 rounds

Pledge opf Allegiance

Mosey to the launch 


Naked Man Moleskin:

1) Kosar made an entrance, half dressed, screming in on 2 wheels (It's a pick-up truck mind you) with Hair Nation blaring. Something was blaring.  Not even sure he turned off the ignition during the workout

2) Best hat of the day (in other words the one none of the rest of us would be caught dead in) Jazz Hands

3) Good thing i noticed everyone took a seat inside – thanks for the heads-up we were sitting indoors today boys.

4) Book Club Thursday at my house. 7:30PM  Libations provided

5) Christmas party upcoming!

6) Too many we had to lift up in pratyer today, including 2 suicides. Your F3 brothers are here for you and we ALL need each other. Reach out – we will all need to lean on another pax at many points in this life. That is what we are here for. And you are never alone! 


