November Installment of THE Horseshoe

What a beautiful, brisk November morning for the latest installment of THE Horseshoe during the week of THE GAME. If you have to ask which game is THE GAME, crawl back under your rock.


The thang:

Mosey to lower lot

SSH X 20

Cotton Pickers X 15

IST X 15

Windmills X 15

Jog to the base of the horseshoe hill gathering 5 rocks on the way – 1st 5 to the bottom of the hill do 20 curls

The 5 exercises for today's Horseshoe: (100 reps of each total for the 5 round trips)

Mericans X 20

Mountain Climbers X 20

LBC's X 20

Dying Cockroaches X 20

CDD's X 20

Jog to fire station

Low Flutter X 20

Jog to the lower lot

Rosalita X 20

Jog back to launch for recover, recover


Naked Man Moleskin:

I am thankful for:

Hat Trick and his dedication to show up for THE Horseshoe month after month despite calling it HorseSHIT

Stromboli because he is a delectable Italian dish

Grenade for his self-deprecating humor and always stopping to chat as he runs by

Primo for, well, being Primo and one of the kindest hearted gents you could ever hope to know

Gnarly Goat for all his leadership and humor

Mini-Me for mostly travelling and leaving us alone to try to perfect his wacky exercises on our own

Jolly Roger for his infectious enthusiasm and willingness to give it away, you are a true leader

Moses for being the first to give it away, we are all eternally grateful

Callahan for being my all-time partner, another true HIM
Scrappy for stepping up and truly leading in our community

Shaken for bringing out the best in most of us

And the list goes on… I thank all my F3 brothers this holiday season, know I feel truly blessed to know you and get the chance to workout and share our fellowship. May God bless each and every one of you. Even Axle.

