11 pax (including YHC) and a car full of bricks met at the Viking AO. Here's what happened:
At a few minutes past 0450, 7 pax (Auto, Frogger, Hippie, Lego, Mayhem, Snoopy, and YHC) took off on foot and disappeared into the woods of North Meck Park for what Garmin reports was a 2.7ish mile trail run Standard. Fortunately, all pax reemerged from the woods in time for the 0530 beatdown. More on that below.
At 0530, YHC popped the hatch on his car to reveal a pile of bricks. Each pax grabbed 2 bricks, and we did a slow mosey into the lit upper parking lot of NMP.
- SSH x 25 IC
- IST x 15 IC
- Windmills x 15 IC
- Feet still wide, bend at waist, hands to ground, stretch
- Walk hands out in front
- Bend left leg, stretch right calf
- Bend right leg, stretch left calf
- Upward dog
- Down to plank
- Mountain climbers x 15 IC
- Mericans x 10 IC (recover)
- Little baby arm circles forward x 10 IC
- Little baby arm circles backward x 10 IC
- Overhead claps x 15 IC
- Mosey with bricks to baseball field and circle up
- Brick man maker mericans x 10 IC
- Brick step back lunges x 10 IC
- Brick overhead claps x 10 IC
- Slow mosey around infield, back to bricks
- Brick shoulder touch mericans x 10 IC
- Brick squats x 10 IC
- Brick reverse flies x 10 IC
- Slow mosey around infield, back to bricks
- Captain Thors with bricks (WWII situp x 1 + 4-count American Hammer aka mason twist) from 1/4 up to 8/32
- Slow mosey around infield, back to bricks
- Jack Webbs with bricks (merican x 1 + shoulder press x 4) from 1/4 up to 6/24
- Mosey with bricks out of baseball field, leave bricks near entrance to NMP
- Mosey to pavilion with benches
- Dips x 15 IC
- People's Chair 45 sec
- Dips x 15 IC
- Mosey back to AO entrance, grabbing bricks on the way
- Homer to Marge x 3
- Rosalita x 15 IC
- Low Flutters x 15 IC
- LBC x 20 IC
- Dying Cockroach x 15 IC
- Great work by all pax on what turned out to be a more shoulder-focused workout than YHC had realized. I always aim for balance, but definitely neglected arms today, and hit the shoulders a bunch. Sorry, guys. You crushed it anyways.
- As noted, 7 pax completed a Standard on the single-track trails of NMP. During the run, the pax began to spread out a bit, with Snoopy and YHC trailing Auto and Lego, who were leading the way. YHC assumed that the rest of the pax were not far behind. Approximately 2 miles into the run, the group ran upon a stream and an opportunity to take a shorter route out of the woods, so we paused and waited for all pax to collect. Mayhem and Hippie quickly appeared, but Frogger was MIA. Minute or so of confusion ensued, until an approaching headlamp was spotted up the trail. Frogger appeared, and was himself temporarily confused, believing that he had found "the wrong group" but then realizing that it was the right group, and that he was not running somewhere in the middle of the line of pax, but had rather gotten out of line at some point and taken a different path. Fortunately, being a Frogger, he was in his natural environment and managed to find his way. Crisis averted.
- Captain Thors were a crowd pleaser. YHC had thought "what better workout to break out the Captain Thors for than Viking?" but the pax were not impressed, and wanted an audible. It was suggested that YHC pulled them from YouTube. In fact, YHC was introduced to them by F3 Nashville, and they are in the F3 directory of exercises!
- Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016. Can't imagine not having this in my life. I look forward to it every day.
- Thanks to Stromboli for trusting YHC to jump in and lead the pax this morning. I had not Q'd at Viking, and was excited for the opportunity. I hope to return soon!