48 hard-chargers joined the Army (at least for a morning) and sallied forth in perfect gloom conditions for a Veterans Day/O.G. Week convergence extravaganza.  Today's pax included a solid cadre of 2011 O.G.'s and a representation of fighting Veterans to help us converge in style.

We gathered in FLR (front leaning rest) for muster, instruction, inspection and proper disclaimerazation,  then formed a ginormous CoP for a proper warm-up of SSH, windmill, IST, invisible jump rope, and squats.  

Having properly warmed up, we went "cold, dark and quiet" to the pull-up bars to celebrate "Arm"istice Day with the arm-o-rama special "50 in 5".

Alas, the ARMistice was short lived, and we had another mission assignment…  to secure the most important choke-point in LKN geography ie the Birkdale Bridge.  We hustled to the bridge to acknowledge the "11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month" with, oddly enough, a set of 11's.  Squats on one side of the wall/Americans on the other side of the wall.  

Next up we had to pay our veterans by paying our income tax.  10-40

Along the way we did some other stuff too… the mid-workout mobility moment, some frankenstein walks, a jump-lunge or two, and maybe a few more 'Mericans (about 290 to be exact).

Hustle back to Mary with OG's making the calls (Skipper, Ludi, Primo).


After Action Report:

1.  QBert,( who is possibly a merchant mariner?) arrived late, but fashionably late, as he sported shorts and tank top in the low 40 degree gloom.  Solid look QBert.   Hallowed be thy gains.

2.  Nice job by a massive army going cold, dark and quiet through the pull up forest.  The oldsters in the patio homes on the other side of the wall never knew we were there.

3.  Kotters and OG's were er'where!  Nice! 

4.  OG Skipper from MECA dropped in for a visit, and his beard is quite spectacular.  I do believe he will be auditioning for the ND leprechaun, who I just learned has no name.  Sad… he's just "leprechaun".  Anyway,  8 years strong brother!  

5.  Cedar, the 'stache is a sweet, sweet 'stache.

6.  Standing around drinking coffee in the cold is a true reenactment for most veterans.  

Thanks for a great morning men.  Aye.

Goat sends.

