O’ where O’ where could Big Mean and Pierogi be?

Event Date

Nov 02, 2017


The taper for LKNBRR, Pickle 66, Basin Run, (you know that running thing coming up this weekend) left Hope Park with just a few PAX for a bootcamp and a few runners we know were around but their Ninja skills were on display this morning.

So the bootcampers got bootcamping:


SSH x10

Merkins x10

Windmill x10

IST x10

 Mosey over to pick up some sandbags, Mosey over to the Hill

YHC got aggressive with his reps, started out with 2 sets of 10, but then called 'Omaha' and audibled for lesser reps.

5-crab walks with sand bag in lap down hill, quadraphelia up

5-runs down the hill, bear crawl up (without sandbag)

Mosey over the side street by Goodwill and partner up:

100 squats, 100 merkins, 100 flutter kicks

Partner 1 does the exercise and Partner 2 runs .25 mile to stop sign and back, switch.  Once team reaches 100 of one exercise (cumatively) move onto the next, plank when done.

Mosey back completed an arm ladder with sandbag:

10x curls

10x skull crushers

10x overhead press

Hold sandbag over head for 10 seconds

10x overhead press

10x skull crushers

10x curls

10 second with sandbag arms out in front, locked out elbows

Mosey back to COT, Mary , 10 WWII, 10 Mason Twists, 10 heel touches

Recover Recover

Great job to all, I was actually impressed I got Geronimo to sweat, who is a trained SF soldier, and a beast in a workout. Good job Shambala and Hummer, you both put in the maximum effort everytime. T-claps to Loveshack (who was a Ninja runner this AM)  is not only doing the runner thing this weekend but turning around and doing the Spartan Beast right after.  Goodluck to those in that CSAUP adventure, and goodluck to all the LKNBRR runners.

Prayers to the big Q in the sky that he watch over us, protect us, and give us strength when we need it most, and he keep my Grandma safe who fell lastnight. 

Until next time..Aye