OBC to Q in final stages of workout: “Don’t, don’t, don’t you do it…or I will knock your head off!”

Sorry I did not take notes on the pax, but it was 29 at least plus a couple who dropped early.  I only listed whoever I could remember, which is not very many #blaminglowoxygen!  I know Fidel had to drop due to pullup/running induced IBS (join us on Fridays to try again).  And Palin was riding with him so he had to leave too. Comment below if you want credit and I will add you to the list.

After a quick warmup we ran to the pullup bars at IB School and split into two groups:

Group 1: 5 pullups/10 pushups (AMRAP) – est. about 4-6 rounds each

Group 2: Run from bars to Spring St. stop sign down South, run back.

Flapjack, then everyone do one more set of pullups to failure (5, 8, 12, 15 anyone?).

Run to Davidson College Track. 

10 times up/down stadium

Midway Mary, then run around track stopping 3 times for:

Push-o-rama: 10X Merkins, 10X Wide, 10X Diamond,10X  T-pushup, 10XYoga Merkins

Leg-o-rama: 10X Squats, 10X Alt Lunge, 10X Jump Squats, 10X squats, 10X lunge, 10X mary katherines

Burp-o-rama: 5 Regular Burpees, 5 Lateral jump burpees, 5 Mary Katherine burpees, 5 skateboard burpees, 10 180 degree jump burpees.

Run back to stairs for 1/2 stadium snake and back to Green for quick stretch plus COT.


Best comment of the day was after Burp-o-rama when OBC threatened severe bodily injury and even certain death to me if I took us back to the stadium stairs before heading back to Green.  Hence I gave him the title of this back blast.

Other mumblechater accused YHC of adding meaningless variations/jumps to the burpees just to take people's mind off the fact that they were just doing burpees one set after another with no rest.  Guilty!

Fresh Prince was back a changed man after the GoRuck Heavy (congrats).

Canuck commented that we are making him and the rest of the pax run way more than usual in these workouts lately.  Again, Guilty!  Getting us ready for Coyote May 14!

Bullwinkle brought his 9th grade son who is a monster Hough High Varsity 182 lb wrestler.  Welcome Nature Boy!

Get better Creeper and Grillz plus any other injured pax we have!

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead. 

As a test of who reads these, comment below (just a quick "i was there" or "i hate you" will suffice) and I will put your name it the pax list!