Obelisk? More like Obe-suck!

Mona Lisa also in attendance

3 for The Standard run.  2 for The Rucking Standard.

Warmup Things

Find 2 partners –

#1 does ToeTaps on the curb

#2 sprints to the other end of lot

#3 does Al Gores on the other end

Keep rotating posistions for many minutes

Mosey to the center of Birkdale

20 Squats, Bearcrawl a bit

20 Merkins, Bearcrawl s'more

20 CCDs, Bearcrawl s'more

OH Claps, Bearcrawl to the Obelisk

20 Squats, Bearcrawl s'more

20 Merkins, Bearcrawl s'more

Seal Clap a bit, Bearcrawl back to the center of Birkdale

Mosey to the launch pad

Partner Up for 100 Merkins, and 200 Lunges

Partner Carry Race

 —  The lightweight champion of this event was the team of NinjaTurtle and Mayhem)


Great group of PAX out there this morning.  Good chatter and even gooder work.

DeepDish is running a tight ship at Hollywood these days.  If you show up to Q, or even just to post, you'd better bring your A game.

It was nice to get over to the old folks home and do some chair aerobics with them.  STRONG showing by the over 50 crowd.

HumpDay Happy Hour tonight, and every Wednesday, 8pm-ish at Primal

More annoucements: http://f3lakenorman.com/preblasts

Sound off below with anything I forgot