Ocean’s Six meets Viva Las Vegas

Event Date

Jun 02, 2021

I got stung by a wasp as I left my house – which delayed me a bit, and had me coming in on two wheels.  I still got there about 2 minutes before Jethro arrived – which is to say he was bit late.  But even a tardy Jethro is fine by me.  I love seeing him in the gloom – or anywhere for that matter.

Warm O Rama – pretty usual stuff, feeling limber – let's go.

Native American Run to the Fountain


Last night I grabbed a pair of dice and made a list of 11 businesses throughout Birkdale Village. 

I explained the plan to the PAX.  Somebody rolls the dice.  We head to the corresponding business – and they get to call the exercise.  The dice then go to the next PAX until everyone gets a turn.  We rotated through our crew about 2.5 times during the workout.

BEWARE THE BURPEE PENALTY – If somebody rolls the number for the place where we are – 10 Burpees (for everyone) and then re-roll to see where we go next. 

We made about 15 stops and logged 1.99 miles according to my STRAVA.  Should have checked before a hit stop so I could have gotten to 2 miles.


Downward Dog Into Piegeon (x2) Dying Cockroach, LBCs, 25 SSH's just for giggles


Farkle Party Moleskine

– With relatively little effort – the gameplan was a success.  The random factor made things interesting, and we kept moving.  I can see adapting this to other AO's and bringing it back to Hollywood as well – maybe going with 1 die – who knows.

– 9 of the spots were between the theater and Victoria's Secret + Dick's and Barnes and Noble (neither Dick's or B&N were rolled).

– We ended up hitting 6 out of 11 spots – and we did the burpee penalty 5 times.  Someone could probably tell us if either of tose facts were statistical anomalies. 

– Jethro was the unluckiest of rollers.  We were at spot 6 (Cava) and he rolled a 6.  10 Burpees.  Next roll – 6.  Audible: Penalty cut to 5 burpees.  

– I'm already planning my next Hollywood Dice Tour – where I might add some outliers like Walgreens, Newell and the Greenway.  Could make for some longer moseys.

– Important learning – I had some of the central spots (geographically) assigned to middle numbers that come up a lot.  I should have had 5, 6 , 7, 8 and 9 assigned to non neighboring locations to increase the mosey. (But now I'm just getting nit picky.)

– Great group of men – lots of laughter and smiles to start the day.  How could it get any better?

