Ocho 8

13 PAX – Addition PAX not named above: Cabbage, Dirty Bear, Venus,
(& 1 dog – Cutler)
What does Ocho mean?  Nothing.  Clubber just started yelling it out lately during our count and I thought I would run with it… literally
8 IC  L Side Fire Hydrant
8 IC  R Side Fire Hydrant
8 IC  Windmills Cotton Pickers
8 IC  Touch ground Cotton Pickers
The Thang
Let’s Parking Lot Mosey (follow the leader)
Mosey to corner of parking lot in front of the Gym
8 OYO Pick-up squats
Bear Crawl up the hill, plank at top for the six
8 IC Dying Cockroaches
Follow the leader Mosey, loop “O”, then some shuffle Left, then some shuffle Right “C”.
Downhill-High Knees, Uphill-Butt Kickers, follow the leader, finish the arch “h”, then another loop “O”.
Stop at the top corner near tennis courts for 8 IC Peter Parkers
Crawl Bear downhill, plank at the bottom
8 Monkey Humpers, then mosey to water.
Mosey down to track, show the PAX four rocks and explain next circuit.  Since running the track is boring, we will run the curve, and then cut diagonally across the field each time for 1/2 a lap.  First four men to arrive are the next 4 to carry the rocks (to slow down the front men, yet still challenge them).  Each 1/2 lap we add on an exercise, then we work our way back down.  Goes something like this:
Lap, Burpees, Merkins, Squats, LBC
½, 5   
½, 5, 10  
½, 5, 10, 20 
½, 5, 10, 20, 50
½, 5, 10, 20, 50
½, 5, 10, 20 
½, 5, 10  
½, 5   
Totals: 1 Mile (8 Ocho ½ Laps), 40 Burpees, 60 Merkins, 80 Squats, 100 LBC
8 Random Ab exercises at an 8 count.  Called out a PAX, after he completes his exercise, he calls out another PAX.
Deep thoughts: "Importance and sybolism of nicknames"
Nicknames are popular in most cultures
Nicknames appear in many cultures throughout the world and they have been around for thousands of years. There are even reports that it was an honor in the Nordic Viking world to have a nickname, or that slaves used them among themselves so others would not know who they were referring to. The Bible also speaks of a person’s name being changed. Sometimes this was the result of a person moving from one culture to another and taking a new name in that culture.
Nicknames can change your identity
At other times God changed the name of a person to indicate He wanted them to have a new identity and a new role. This is the case for Abram who became Abraham in Genesis 17:5, Jacob who became Israel in Genesis 35:10, Simon who became Peter in John 1:42. These were special names, almost like a special nickname that God Himself had given them.
We will have a special name known only to the Lord and God
In much the same way, Jesus has a new name, a name that God has given to him and which is only known between him and God (Rev. 19:12). Like Jesus, each of us, all who accept him as their Lord and Savior, will be given a new name that is known only to us and Him (Rev. 2:17). A nickname, that special term of endearment that will be between just you and your Lord!
  • PAX, as always, complain about burpees.
  • Carrying rocks while running is not fun, but effective.
  • PAX did not complain much about the crazy route we ran in the parking lot.  We did run into each other a little.
  • Think we all enjoyed yelling Ocho today.
  • Lots of chatter, so feel free to chime in on what I missed.
  • Doublecheck see's his efforts pay off with a friend calling him to say he has Accepted Christ!  <– Tclaps and Amen!!
  • Don't forget our prayer request and praises!!

Pleasure to lead fellas!  Greatful for every one of you!