Oct 17th Trivia

Event Date

Oct 17, 2017


Warmarama around the parking lot

SSH X 20

Frankenstein X 15 (sounds compliments of 9 lives)

Moutain climber X 15

Merican X 10

? # 1 wrong – 10 burpees OYO

mosey to playground

10 pull ups

10 JUMP squats

lap around playground


? # 2 wrong – 10 burpees OYO

indian run to school wall

? # 3 Wrong – 10 burpees OYO

protractor 10 sec each

peoples chair 30 sec with air presses

indian run to middle school

? # 4 correct – 10 LBCs OYO

Pinky Pie – up to 7 (I think)

Indian run to track

? # 5 correct – 10 LBCs OYO

mosey back to playground….wait upon the PAX request we'll take a full lap first

10 pull ups

10 jump squats

1 lap


WW2 x 15

Pretzel X 10 each side

box cutter X 20

J Lo X 15 (courtesy of 9 lives)

I was somewhat disappointed the PAX didn't get more questions correct, admittedly I didn't expect anyone to know the destroyer torpedoed off the coast of iceland, but thought given we had a Bears, and Eagles, and a hockey fan, we'd have gotten at least one of those questions correct.

I always enjoy the Fallout crew, thanks to Lawndart for roping me into Qing.  Hope I provided a difficult workout, I know I for one hit hte wall on the pinky pies, as they say, if you can't do it, don't Q it.  Thank you all for joining and tonight 630-930  is bartending!