October 2023 Edition of Samson Suicides (in the rain)

Event Date

Oct 12, 2023


Mosey to wall.


Partner up, partner 1 and 2 directions listed below

  1. people’s chair
  2. Run to middle, touch the bridge, back to wall to high-5 partner, run to far Bball hoop, jump to touch net x5, back to partner.




Mosey up to blocks. Partner up diff partners (well we did this together since there were just 3)

Set blocks in middle of top row.

  1. Side shuffle facing uphill to block. Step on and over x5 each side, shuffle back, back to block, 5 more step on and overs, to end of row. 10 merkins, back to block for 5 on and overs, back to start.
  2. Repeato with shuffle facing downhill.
  3. Threepeato but quadro to and from, jumping on and over blocks x10
  4. Fourpeato running regular with 5 very slow, calculated block deadlifts – for spinal alignment and hamstring stretch.
  5. Fivepeato running regular and doing merkins like: right side of block, left hand on block, both hands on block, right hand on block, left side of block (5 merkins each time at block plus the 10 at the end of the row).

Zig zag mosey through parking lot and down to covered, dry area for Mary.

The Force: Jack-knife LBCs x10 each side

Drebin: Slooooowww LBCs x15

Tammy Faye: Low Dolly x15, Dot the I x15

Drebin: Box cutter x15

The Force: Slooooowww WWIIs with extended toe-touch.

Stretch: plank, down-dog, walk the dog, pigeon both sides, plank, walk it up to forward fold, reverse swan dive to recover-recover.

The Moleskine:

5:25:  All 3 pax were disappointed to see the others when we arrived in the rain.

6:15:  All 3 pax we’re glad all 3 pax posted

5:55:  Drebin declares he’d already had tough leg days and was looking forward to an upper body beatdown by The Force. Oops.  At least there were 65 merkins in total?

5:50:  Tammy Faye realizes some things are worth not rushing through to the finish and comes up with catchy BB name which YHC now cannot remember.

Always outside, rain or shine. Nice work fellas and by about 5:45 none of us cared about or noticed the little bit of rain.

Prayers up to Mulligans family as they mourn the loss of his father and to Jorel’s family as they mourn the loss of his mother. Difficult times. The pax is here for you both. Always.

Auto collecting donations for the raffles at the Christmas party (12/1 at 760 Brewery)