Ode to Hambone

Event Date

Jan 12, 2017


Five of the MIL's finest made it out in the pea soup like fog with very pleasant temps to pay their respects and participate in the Ode to HamBone. Pre-Blast Poem included again at the bottom since it was just so damn good some had to re-read it three times.

The Thang

HamBone circle of kettle bells and love. Do 10 reps of each of these 9 exercises in the circle.

  • Squats – 35lb kettle

  • Bent over row (alternate arms) – 45lb

  • Gun show – 20lb, 2 kettles

  • Jump rope – 50 count

  • Dead lift – 55lb

  • Kettle swings 35lb

  • Jerk and press (alternate arms) – 30lb

  • Skull crusher 25lb

  • Mason twist with 12lb medicine ball

Then run to stop sign and back. We did 4 sets of these


  • Freddie mercury – 20 I/C

  • Box cutter – 20 I/C

  • Can opener (alternate legs) – 20 I/C


  • Only 2 out of 5 Pax (40%) can execute the unique exercise form of jumping rope. The rest of Pax has been remanded back to repeat 3rd grade P.E. to work on this skill

  • 1 of the 2 Pax who can jump rope watches too many Rocky movies and is a real show off

  • Urine was used as mouthwash in historical dental times due to it being germ free. Tasty

  • Duck farts made an appearance in the circle of pain

  • Freshman boys need to be aware of the low hanging fruit. But Mom, she really likes the way my fruit hangs….

  • El Tigre honored the occasion by wearing ranger shorts. The reality is, one cannot (and should not) ever compare side ball

  • Just like Social Services, we wanted to keep the kettle bell family all together. Apparently Oktoberfest will have the 20's with him at all times in case we need them

  • Go Tonto, Jump on it, HamBone-y, HamBone-y….

  • Good work men!


Ode to HamBone:


A crazy mutha-Rucker was he,

Known as HamBone for those in F3


He proved to be quite adept at moving inanimate objects

And his leading as Q would often cause Pax to protest


We heard ‘twas a girl that first made him take leave,

Although we never met her, she sounded nice, we think her name was Steve


The Ranger shorts were deemed a hate crime across one and across all

The reality is, one cannot ever just “unsee” side ball


He’s off to Nashville to blend food at the assisted living center and bury his bone,

Coming to a record store near you, the sweet crooning sounds of “Declan HamBone”