Odyssey – just can’t get enough of it!

Event Date

Aug 26, 2022


YHC forgot to look at the #PB for Odyssey and just showed up. Well after the 2 mile standard the crew rolled in and said they were here for the Odyssey and assumed I was the Q, so off we went.

The disclaimer was given that this was a drop run, run you own pace, own distance, and finish in time for coffee. The max run was going to be 8 miles at least that is what the Q advertised. 

We headed up to the island and stopped for some pain, then lost 2 to a better option back at the AO, maybe early coffee. After we looped the island and were not quite out of the woods we had two more drop, something about a Turtle popping its head out, not sure what that was about but it was dark, interesting when we saw one of them for coffee he had lost a sock on the run. 

The remaning 3 took to the mean streets of Cornelius towards Westmoreland park only to be harrassed by the 4 Bangers fast and slow groups who claimed we were off the books, since when is Odyssey not legit? Then we passed the General crew who was hard at work. Finally crossing 73 we could almost smell the coffee when YHC got "Auto'ed" and the group decided we needed an extra mile for the day. Finally finishing and closing out the Odyssey. 

  • Learnings for the day: If a construction project is late is likey the fault of the Architech 
  • Bring an extra sock when looking for Turtles 
  • When the Q says we do 8, that really means go 9
  • A pleasure to spend the gloom with a fine group of gentlemen, until next time.