Odyssey: Point of Reference – Birkdale Commons PKwy

Event Date

May 06, 2022


8 pax woke up and beat the urge to fartsack this morning. Omar had a 6 mile route on tap and tried to explain the route. The pax were confused and Omar's master plan to keep everyone together worked. 

5 pax decided to cut the run short for a few reasons: didn't want to run 6 miles, wanted coffee instead, and occasional bouts of lightning. Poptart, his friend Jason, Don Ho, Hoodie, and Turncoat turned back.

Sac, Omar, and YHC completed the 6 mile route and came upon Birkdale Common Pkwy 3 times as we crossed back and forth collecting miles. Omar and Sac joined the rest after the run.

Until next time,

Cousin Eddie