Odyssey was Pecalicious Too

13 showed up and ran. The plan was to go down to DPK, hurass the Cauldron crowd, come back and then do a BZ loop. Well. We accomplished the first part and disrupted the Cauldron crowd from getting pecalicious for a few seconds. Then the Pax revolted and most continued down 115 to Mt. Holly-Huntersville Road.

Unfortunately, The Force did not acknowledge our presence during his Q.  Oh well. 

In other news. There were 4 Teslas this morning. One belonged to Mr. Burns. Burgoo also made it out. Welcome back, Kotters!  Frogger's Tesla drove him. Crabby wore his WVU Mountaineer attire.  Little Finger ran slow, Optimus, I swear!  PrimeTime gave the people what they wanted, more content for StuffPTsays. Dallas rolled in on two wheels. Kip was steady as usual. Tantrum was crop dusting. Calypso talked us into running the "balls". Turnpike did NOT get lost.  Jenny did Jenny things. 

Mooch showed up late and did his own thing. T-Bone came for coffee. 

I have to say, today was a good day.

The Count