I'm never one to mince words or shy away from a political argument so I'll drop this turd of an opinion on your back-blast perusing eyes.  Off the books workouts are bullshit.  Yeah you heard me.

If you do the same thing, every week, from the same location… just put it on the calendar so other guys feel welcome to join.  It's fine for a workout to start as OTB, heck that's how 4Banger started!  But after a few months and enough interest… we got on the calendar.  And now everyone knows and is welcome.  That's how we roll at F3.  This isn't meant to be a secret society, open it up and welcome in new men!  And we all have scheduling constraints, you never know when the workout you've created just happens to be at the one time and place a guy can make it work that day.

And now let me just step down from this soapbox…